مصدري بذور الحلبة

Aromatic Fenugreek Seeds Exporters and Suppliers in Pakistan, Methi Seed Manufacturers

Fenugreek seeds, rich in vitamin C, serve as excellent feed for horses, providing a nourishing and varied diet. These seeds are believed to enhance the immune system, respiratory tract, and renal function, thanks to their abundant vitamin C content. Additionally, fenugreek seeds are not only appetizing but also contain essential fatty acids that contribute to a shiny coat and healthy hoof development.

Moisture Content 4% 5%
Crude Protein 5% 9%
Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) 68% 78%
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) 55% 60%

Packaging: 15 kg to 50 kg bag in any packaging style possible according to customer request.

Load Quantity: 28.5 metric tons in a 40-foot high cube container.

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    Please contact us if you would like a quick and accurate quote tailored to your needs. We focus on efficiency and aim to provide you with the information you need quickly. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we look forward to your help.

    Call us on Mobile or WhatsApp +92 315 3896601 | +92 317 6749926